The End of Procrastination

Kurzom sprevádza  Adela Plesnik Schicker

The course will explain the causes of procrastination and then give you specific and practical tools to help you to win over it every day.

80,00 € s DPH

Celková dĺžka

2:36 hod

Počet lekcií


Pridať do plánu
Certifikát absolventa
Neobmedzený prístup
Na čo sa kurz zameriava

Do you know the feeling that you want to do something, but you don't do it anyways? Do you want to improve your motivation and overall life satisfaction? Do you feel that you could better plan your time and set priorities?

* Procrastination = putting things off intentionally or habitually.

In the beginning, the course will explain the causes of procrastination and then give you specific and practical tools to help you to win over it every day.

The primary purpose of the course is to:

Help you to find and create your personal vision → and live a happier and fulfilled life

Help you to master and maintain your habits → and tame your "elephant"

Help you to increase personal efficiency → and to gain more time for yourself

The course processes scientific knowledge about motivation, decision making, time management and life satisfaction. Based on current scientific studies from universities such as Harvard, Stanford, or MIT.

In the course you will learn how to:

  • Increase your inner motivation to work and to motivate others more effectively,
  • Split tasks into sub problems, identify priorities and increase focus on work,
  • Learn how to create positive habits and get rid of the negative ones,
  • Effectively regenerate your energy during the day so that you do not lose your creativity and will power,
  • Reduce the influence of negative emotions, stress and get rid of decision paralysis,
  • Organize your day and your life so that you do the thing that makes the most sense to you.

+ You will gain four unique and proven tools that will increase your productivity and overall life satisfaction.

As part of the course, you will obtain downloadable tools, dozens of links to other articles, quotes, recommended books, and video lectures.

Learning to fight procrastination is one of the essential skills for life in the new information age, although it is a problem old, like humanity itself.

"While we are wasting our time hesitating and postponing, life goes on." - Seneca

Time is the most valuable thing we have in our lives.

Do not postpone your fight against procrastination and learn to defeat it right now!

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Lektori kurzu
Adela Plesnik  Schicker

konzultantka GrowJOB

Adéla Plesnik Schicker je konzultantkou GrowJOB Inštitútu a zakladateľkou jeho medzinárodnej odnože, vďaka ktorej školí firmy po celom svete. Má na starosti tiež preklady bestselleru Koniec prokrastinácie. Dlhodobo žila a pracovala v 11 krajinách na štyroch kontinentoch. Špecializuje sa na školenie medzinárodnej kooperácie, komunikácie a vedenia tímov. Študovala v Spojených štátoch, Francúzsku, Veľkej Británii a teraz žije medzi Prahou a Švajčiarskom. 


Trainer of Fortune 500 companies, Founder of and co-author of The End of Procrastination.
Adela trains companies and teams around the world, helping them to master skills through science-based know-how and practical tools that have an immediate impact on their performance and happiness. As a company growth consultant, and keynote speaker she has lived and worked in the past 19 years in 11 different countries across 4 continents. Experience from diverse working environments and knowledge based on behavioral economics and psychology has given her a keen eye for people's talents as well as for the understanding of what today's fast-paced business environment requires.

Hodnotenie kurzu

89 %

30 hodnotenie

Hodnotenie pridávajú iba študenti s overeným účtom

Lenka J.

I trust I will do all yr recommendations. Lovely concept of the Course and English. I passed the test not earlier than for the 3rd time - but I trained my Hero on that and did not give up :-)

Reakcia lektora:

“Dear Lenka, thank you for the kind words, and I'm happy to hear you are the Hero! :)“

Roman M.

The outstanding one. Attractive presentation. A lot of new information.
A very good tool for improving oneself.

Reakcia lektora:

“Thank you for your kind words. Easy tools for improvement were what I was trying to convey through the course.“

Radovan H.

prakticke a priklady super

Reakcia lektora:

“Radovane, děkuji moc za hodnocení a zpětnou vazbu, co bychom ještě mohli zlepšit aby bylo kurz na 5 z 5ti? Díky a hezký den, Adela“

Často kladené otázky
Čaká vás záverečný test, ktorý preverí, čo ste sa naučili. Za absolvovaný kurz získate certifikát o absolvovaní. Test môžete skúšať aj viackrát, takže žiadny stres.

Stačí v záverečnom teste získať aspoň 80%. Certifikát zostane uložený pri absolvovanom kurze kedykoľvek pripravený na stiahnutie.

Je to doklad o tom, že na sebe pracujete viac, ako je bežné. To vám pomôže vyniknúť medzi ďalšími ľuďmi, ktorí majú zálusk na rovnaké pracovné miesto, alebo v rámci sebeprezentácie. Najlepšie využijete certifikát vo svojom životopise (napr. na Linkedin a alebo ako vytlačený dokument medzi vašimi ďalšími vzdelávacími úspechmi.

Áno, lekcie môžete študovať opakovane, tiež ich môžete preskakovať a následne sa k nim vracať. Či už kurz ukončíte úspešne alebo neúspešne, môžete ho ľubovoľne opakovať.

Dúfame, že sa toto nestane. Keby ale predsa, zaručujeme vám vrátenie peňazí bez uvedenia dôvodu do 14 dní od zakúpenia kurzu.