(Not so) Basic Business English

Kurzom sprevádza  Luke Ponsford

Vhodné na počúvanie

Enhance your business English skills and boost your confidence in various professional scenarios, mastering a range of commonly used phrases and expressions. Boost your repertoire by actively embracing these linguistic tools. Celý popisok

43,00 € s DPH

Celková dĺžka

55 min

Počet lekcií


Pridať do plánu
Certifikát absolventa
Neobmedzený prístup
Na čo sa kurz zameriava

Do you want to move beyond the basics of business English? To feel confident using English in a business context? Would you like to discover a range of expressions and structures that will make your business English richer, more fluent and more engaging? Do you wish to learn how native speakers communicate when doing business and add these skills to your repertoire? If the answer to any or all of these is yes, then this is the course for you.

In this course we’ll build upon the basics of business English and expand your knowledge to ensure you have the words and techniques to feel self-assured when communicating in English in a work environment, whether you’re participating in a meeting, giving a presentation or solving a problem. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to both use and understand a wide range of more complex, but useful expressions native English speakers employ in a variety of different business situations. This will mean you’ll be more confident, fluent, accurate and engaging when using English in a business environment.

More specifically you will learn how to:

  • structure and give coherent and engaging presentations
  • describe statistics and data
  • request, give and clarify updates
  • resolve problems
  • offer opinions and make suggestions
  • lead and manage a meeting or discussion

This course is for everybody who:

  • wants to expand their knowledge of business English
  • would like to feel more confident about their business English
  • wishes to improve their fluency and accuracy when using English in a business context
  • wants to learn more advanced and idiomatic ways to communicate in business English
  • wants to add greater variety to the way they use English in a business environment

As a special bonus, there is an e-book with all the phrases, expressions and structures.

Celý popisok

Osvojíte si nasledujúce zručnosti
Lektori kurzu
Luke Ponsford

English teacher and language consultant

Luke is a CELTA-qualified teacher who has been teaching general and business English in the Czech Republic to students of all levels both face-to-face and online since 2009.

Before  becoming an English teacher, Luke studied German and Russian (BA Hons) and Central and East Europe Literature and Culture (MA) at the University of London. He also spent over ten years working in small, medium and large businesses in the UK, often with colleagues who were non-native English speakers.

All of which means he knows which areas can be problematic for learners of English, and is ideally positioned to offer guidance, advice and solutions.


Hodnotenie kurzu

95 %

100 hodnotenie

Hodnotenie pridávajú iba študenti s overeným účtom

Slavomír M.

Kurz sa mi páčil, lektor rozprával adekvátnou rýchlosťou, veľmi zrozumiteľne spolu s uvedenými príkladmi k danej tematike.

Pavla B.


Emanuela H.

Lektor bol zrozumiteľný a zrozumiteľne aj vysvetľoval konkrétne lekcie. Páčil sa mi prístup k vysvetľovaniu, poskytnutie viacerých možností, vysvetlenie a odporučenie týchto možností a tiež príklady, ktoré boli naozaj smerované priamo na business otázky :)

Často kladené otázky
Čaká vás záverečný test, ktorý preverí, čo ste sa naučili. Za absolvovaný kurz získate certifikát o absolvovaní. Test môžete skúšať aj viackrát, takže žiadny stres.

Stačí v záverečnom teste získať aspoň 80%. Certifikát zostane uložený pri absolvovanom kurze kedykoľvek pripravený na stiahnutie.

Je to doklad o tom, že na sebe pracujete viac, ako je bežné. To vám pomôže vyniknúť medzi ďalšími ľuďmi, ktorí majú zálusk na rovnaké pracovné miesto, alebo v rámci sebeprezentácie. Najlepšie využijete certifikát vo svojom životopise (napr. na Linkedin a Jobs.cz) alebo ako vytlačený dokument medzi vašimi ďalšími vzdelávacími úspechmi.

Áno, lekcie môžete študovať opakovane, tiež ich môžete preskakovať a následne sa k nim vracať. Či už kurz ukončíte úspešne alebo neúspešne, môžete ho ľubovoľne opakovať.

Dúfame, že sa toto nestane. Keby ale predsa, zaručujeme vám vrátenie peňazí bez uvedenia dôvodu do 14 dní od zakúpenia kurzu.