Získate prístup do skúšobnej verzie a firemnej administrácie Seduo na 21 dní zadarmo a bez záväzkov. Radi vám ho aj individuálne predstavíme a poradíme, ako z neho vyťažiť maximum. Môžete nám napísať alebo rovno zavolať.
Získate prístup do skúšobnej verzie a firemnej administrácie Seduo na 21 dní zadarmo a bez záväzkov. Radi vám ho aj individuálne predstavíme a poradíme, ako z neho vyťažiť maximum. Môžete nám napísať alebo rovno zavolať.
Kurzom sprevádza Luke Ponsford
Come and explore some of the more challenging areas of the English language.
Improve your pronunciation, pick up some grammar tips and tricks, learn about words that are often confused, and delve into the mysteries of English spelling. Anyone who wishes to avoid making everyday simple mistakes in English is welcome to join us.
English teacher and language consultant
Luke is a CELTA-qualified teacher who has been teaching general and business English in the Czech Republic to students of all levels both face-to-face and online since 2009.
Before becoming an English teacher, Luke studied German and Russian (BA Hons) and Central and East Europe Literature and Culture (MA) at the University of London. He also spent over ten years working in small, medium and large businesses in the UK, often with colleagues who were non-native English speakers.
All of which means he knows which areas can be problematic for learners of English, and is ideally positioned to offer guidance, advice and solutions.
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